Tautoko – Support

TautokoDid you use Te Reo during the week? I would love to know if you did, what you learned, where you got help or support, or any thoughts you have had on Te Wiki.

Most of us would have had Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori impact on us in some way: at the library; in school; at local events; the march through Wellington; watching the weather reports on TV with the use of te reo place names and greetings; noticing your favourite social media platform filled with reports, commentary, programmes, tutorials, music, interviews relating to Māori language.

Here are some of the things I loved the most:

  • the launch of Maimoatia – Cherish the Reo waiata performed by our rangatahi/young people, and going straight to #1 on the NZ charts
  • Stacey Morrison talking about how learning Te Reo is an emotional and spiritual journey, and how we only need to start with one small word at a time (I must send Stacey some Ira cards!)
  • Seeing our whānaunga/relations overseas encouraging people to learn some reo
  • Children sharing the Ira Inspiration cards at school
  • Following Aoife Finn around the North Island with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, and being cheered up at seeing her joy at being immersed in te reo. Listening to her Irish/Māori accent was lovely too.
  • Talking to people who were loving using their Ira cards, or inspiring others to use them at home, in the workplace, for fun, and for learning.

Ka pai, e hoa mā. One simple word at a time has the power to inspire.


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